As I mentioned last month, this month is a Very Special Episode of Macho City. The Black Devil Disco Club is in town as part of a VERY limited US tour, and Macho City is presenting them this Saturday night!
What, you've never heard of Black Devil Disco Club? Well go read about them and, more importantly, listen to them on their MySpace page, because they are some cool spacey vintage disco. Macho man Mike Trombley introduced me to them last month and I have been listening nonstop (you can buy their newer but equally cool stuff on iTunes).
Macho City will be held at the Majestic this month, with our regularly-scheduled awesome disco DJ's spinning before and after the BDDC performance. It's going to be really cool, and I think it is a testament to how exciting this whole alternative gay scene can be in Detroit that Macho City is presenting this.

Of course the catch is that with the live show situation there is a higher cover charge. Like $15 instead of $2, which is a jump to be sure. But still a deal for a rare live performance by underground European disco legends.
To help a select few of you along, I have free tickets to give away! Six lucky winners will get a free ticket to the show!
To enter the contest, leave a comment (making sure I can email you from your entry) describing your favorite Macho City moment, real or imagined. Winners will be chosen at random on Friday, and your name will be at the door to get you in free on Saturday night.
Now get to steppin', and see you Saturday!
I think my most favorite Macho City moment was at the last Macho City, where I ended up making out with the most fabulous Jennie Knaggs. It's possibly made up that we made out and also possibly made up that we did poppers and pole danced into the wee hours of the morning...
my favorite macho city moment was when, in the basement of the R&R, i saw the doorman with the twangy mustache getting a blow-job from 3 guys.
My favorite moment was when I got to rock out to one of the most cherished songs of my childhood (ok, my adolesence): The Doors' WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat). Doesn't seem like it belongs on a dancefloor, but it sure made sense early in the morning at the R&R.
My favorite Macho moment is when three of us were peeing at the same time in the fabulously retro basement bathroom toilet. Piss was splashing everywhere and when someone complained that his flip-flop feet were getting pee'd on, he backed away quickly - but was still peeing!
i have 2 favorite moments. the first was the first macho city when i was excited to see what i had only heard about. all the tails i had heard about the r&r came true when i saw two elderly gentlemen (maybe in the 60's?) giving each-other head in the basement. the second being last macho cty when i had holes staired into my ass because i opted to wear booty shorts and cowboy boots. awww. majic
my favorite Macho City Moment to date, was not too long ago, , , Nancy Fortune.... It was an amazing night, she played many favorites that I rarely ever hear on a dance floor, like...... Black Devil Disco Club's "H-Friend" or Garcons "French Boy"...... Like I said "it was an amazing night", , But it started off a "great night", got a bit weird and then turned out to be the "amazing night" that I had mentioned.... (let me tell you about it for a sec)........ When I 1st got there, I had to adjust to the scene, for a moment, while I was in my "mode of adjustment to the "vaboominous & vibey" atmosphere of Macho City.... I was approached by a handsome cuban man, he looked like he should've been in movies, he informed me that he was a political refugee from cuba and that his name was Antonio Montanna...... he bought me a drink, and then I felt a stiff nudge in the side of my waste, as I realized I was being held at "uzi-point", he told me to "walk", he nudged me to a back room where there was a desk with a copious amount of a snowy-white-dust arranged into a miniature mountainous region....... at gun-point he laughed and told me to stick my face in it and give it the sniff of my life, using both nostrils.... and I might live...... as I did this, , "H-Friend" was in the background........ Although I thought this was a good soundtrack to go out like this,,,, I was a bit worried about what was going to happen next...... as the white pony- was raging through my mind via the "held at uzi-point/ white-powder mountain/ double nostril whiff" Antonio Montanna aimed the uzi at my crotch and laughed in a high "woman-like" voice, then while still pointing at my crotch, placed the uzi on the desk and proceeded to sniff on a popper so hard I saw fluid getting sucked out of the popper vile in a river-like stream going up his nose as if it were nose spray- then in almost the same motion started to peel her latex mask off.... in an instinctive blur, I ran out into the hall and opened the first door I could..... it happened to be Nancy Fortune, her little angelic body standing in a very white dressing room, with a big glowing smile on her face, the word "hi" magically sprang from her lips.... instanly curing me from the wrath of the "Atonio Montanna impersonator/ uzi toting she-devil"...... She was looming over a bottle of champagne on ice, (which seemed like about half the size of her body), without hesitation she placed a glass in my hand and poured..... we spoke of such things as the history of the Garcons and were humming favorite parts of freaky italo songs to each other...... I think we made out...... had I really gotten shot to death by the Antonio Montanna impersonator and had died and was now in heaven???? no..... I made it and am telling you about it now,,,, it was an "AMAZING NIGHT", thank you MACHO CITY!!!!
John r
My favorite scene from Macho City was when that old lady died on the dance floor from a cocaine overdose and the crowd just danced in around her. Or, was that 54?
Wow. Really? A lot of these people clearly don't get it. If watching a creepy door guy get blown or peeing with two other guys at the same time is your favorite MC experience then you're really missing the point and you're missing out. Next time just go to Body Zone.
Fave Macho moment:
Sitting on the pool table, talking to Carlos. Then looking up and seeing a memorial for Bill Boss. He was prematurely forced into retirement and then tragically killed before he even got to enjoy it. Although, he did tell me his own stories about peeing into the illuminated urinals of Studio 54. (I know, another pee story, right?) 2nd to that would be barn stompin' next to wagon wheels, hankerin' for a hunka cheese.
The last one was epic. Making out with leather men while watching the drag queens have sex on the pool table. Excellent music! Nice stoners on the back porch.
My favo moment was doing a line of coke off of SuperGays cock. It's a huge cock, so it was more like 3 lines and 7 bumps...
Maybe those bumps were white headed herpes? I just don't know.
but I do know that: I LOVE MACHO CITY!!!!!
My favorite Macho City memory was my first night at Macho City, and my first night at the R&R.
I was dancing away in the middle of the dance floor when I smelled something reminiscent of nail polish remover. That's strange, I thought. Then I continued to dance harder, and harder, and harder.
The smell subsided and I stopped moving my feet for a second to catch my breath and wipe the sweat from my brow. But the smell, along with my desire to dance, came back with a vengeance.
I kept busting moves until this guy said, "hey, want to do a popper?" I turned him down but everyone around me said yes. He moved his thumb off the top of an brown vile and the scent of nail polish remover wafted over me and my friends. Suddenly we all wanted to dance!
The imaginary light bulb over my head clicked on and I realized that my desire to dance (make that my intense desire to dance because I always want to get down) was a result of amyl nitrate. A wonderful drug that, in is gaseous state, makes being on the dance floor damn near a religious experience.
I'm an atheist so that moment was a li'l to much for me, but I will never forget that night. It might be one of my best memories ever. Certainly beats the first time I had sex!
my favorite moment is Darren's poppers towel
As much as I love Macho City, I refuse to set foot in the Majestic as long as they allow the hateful Buju Banton to perform. The LGBT community shouldn't patronize any establishment that supports such garbage. I thought the Majestic was better than that but apparently not.
For the record, the Majestic cancelled the Buju Banto show more than a week ago. They will have to eat the $8,500 guarantee. They are the only independent booker in the country that has flat out refused his performance. The Majestic had no clue about Buju's homophobic song (that he wrote 20 years ago at the age of 16 which he has since apologized for) and once they were aware of said song they immediately cancelled the show. The Majestic are very much accepting of all lifestyles. I am gay and have worked for the Majestic many times over the years. They currently have at least 5 gay employees that I personally know of. Your loss for not going tomorrow.
Nancy Fortune. The best dance night in Detroit. Nancy rocked that shit so hard, I couldn't even finish my first and only beer 'cause it interfeared with quality ass shaking time.
My thighs hated her the next day.
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